Shriya Martin
The Bride

Shriya fringilla dui at elit finibus viverra thenec a lacus seda themo the miss druane semper non the fermen.

Andrew Danilo
The Groom

Andrew fringilla dui at elit finibus viverra thenec a lacus seda themo the miss druane semper non the fermen.

Are getting married!

December 15, 2023 — New York, Brooklyn

We will become a family in

  • Days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds

Our love.

Our Story

Curabit aliquet orci elit genes tristique lorem commodo vitae. Tuliaum tincidunt nete sede gravida aliquam, neque libero hendrerit magna, sit amet mollis lacus ithe maurise. Dunya erat volutpat edat themo the druanye semper.

Luality fringilla duiman at elit vinibus viverra nec a lacus themo the druanye sene sollicitudin mi suscipit non sagie the fermen.

Phasellus viverra tristique justo duis vitae diam neque nivamus ac est augue artine aringilla dui at elit finibus viverra nec a lacus. Nedana themo eros odio semper soe suscipit non. Curabit aliquet orci elit genes tristique.

Dec 5th, 2023, We Said Yes!

Luality fringilla duiman at elit finibus viverra nec a lacus themo the druanye sene sollicitudin mi suscipit non sagie the fermen.

Our best friends ever

Thanks for being there

Looking forward to see you!



When & Where

Will you attend?


Shriya & Andrew